Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall has finally hit Florida Panhandle

Tonight for the first time is got cold enough (57 degrees) that I had to turn the heater on in the car on the way home from a MOPS social. So (with fingers crossed) I think I can finally say fall has arrived. Another way my family knows its fall is when I make Pumpkin Pecan Gooey Cake. I made it this afternoon to bring to the MOPS social I went to tonight. One of the best parts of having this decadent desert (besides the obvious~eating it) is how wonderful the house smells when it is baking. I think it actually made the girls a little more giddy than usual, I know it did my husband because this is his favorite desert next to cheesecake. Poor guy had to wait not just till it was done baking but until after I brought the left overs home. This is best served with warm with cool whip/whip cream or some vanilla ice cream. This is not my recipe and frankly I don't remember where I got it from but I thought I'd share it with you. Its not low-cal or low-fat but let's get real, how many really yummy things are???

Pumpkin Pecan Gooey Cake

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
1 box yellow cake mix- reserve 1 cup from the mix for the topping
1 stick melted butter
1 beaten egg
Mix ingredients for crust and press into 9x13 pan and put aside
1 can Pumpkin
1 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
3 beaten eggs
1 cup sugar
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
Mix filling and pour over top of crust
1 cup cake mix that was reserved
1 ½ cup chopped pecan
1 ½ stick melted butter
Mix cake mix and pecan until pecans are coated then mix in melted butter
Spoon topping over the filling
Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

I thought to make this entry more festive by throwing in our family fall festival pic. Happy Fall!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

6 Month Deployment Almost Over!

I haven't updated this blog in almost 6 months, guess I've been a little bit busy. This has been a very challenging 6 months. Being apart from your spouse is difficult enough even when life is smooth and uneventful but of course it wasn't all smooth. But it has all turned out well and my husband returns in 5 days, on his birthday!!! We are super excited and can't hardly wait. About a month ago my husband was informed that he has been selected for a job in New Mexico, so we will be moving at the end of January. This job is a blessing because this type of job is highly sought after in the Air Force due to the recognition and people he will be working with and also because this is a non-deployable position that lasts at least 3 yrs, sometimes 4. So we are happy we get to keep him around for a while.

As for my challenges~My 19 month-old daughter has been in therapy for several months now due to a delay in wanting to eat regular food, she prefers baby food. At first I thought maybe this was a sensory integration problem or some problem with her gag reflex since she tended to gag at anything solid. But after working with a speech, occupational and physical therapist for months now we have realized nothing is per say "wrong" with her, this is just a choice she is making. She is very strong willed for a child her age. About 3 weeks ago she began eating normal solid foods, showing interest in the food my 3 yr old daughter and I were eating and even stealing her sister's food. But this past week she has reverted again for some unknown reason. There has been no change in our routine yet she has gone back to crying anytime I offer her normal food and is requesting and crying for baby food. I have done everything I know to break this habit, getting her prayed for and even sometimes refusing to feed her the baby food even though I was advised not to withhold the baby food from her. With my husband returning in 5 days, I'm hoping things will once again improve once we get back to normal family life.
It is obvious she misses daddy since anytime we are at church she prefers the company of men that she knows are safe. She will go to these nice men in our church and then will refuse to let go of them, I have to almost pry her off of them all the while she is screaming. We just pray that this obsession with wanting male attention is satisfied once daddy is home.

So my husband returns in 5 days and we are busy preparing for his homecoming. My oldest daughter has had a jar of "daddy kisses" (Hersey's kisses) that started with 179 kisses in the jar. Since there was about 20 or so remaining she has been taking them all out every night, sitting them on the floor and counting them one by one, eating one (for that day) and putting them all back in. Today since there's only 5 days left I am going to replace the regular kisses with dark chocolate ones which have a purple wrapper, so she knows this is special because we only have 5 days left!

Meanwhile as I sit here and write this, in the back of my mind runs my "To Do" list which seems to be a mile long list of things that I have made up that I would like to get done in the next 5 days. About 90% of this list my husband will probably never notice or even care if these things were done or not done because I know all he wants is to be home with us. These crazy things I make up in my mind that have to be just so,...ARRRR.... I think I am writing this now to try to put all of this list back into proper perspective and to let God tell me what's really important because at this juncture I don't know how its humanly possible for me to get them all done without stressing myself out. Today's message at church this morning was about stress and letting go of it. So I'm trying to let go of all the unnecessary "shoulds" I put on myself as a wife and mother and focus on what's really important and let God take care of everything else.
I had a few goals that I wanted to achieve that I did not accomplish during this deployment (this is more of that shoulding on myself, as us therapists like to say). I have realized these goals were unnecessary and evidence that even a well-educated, self-assured woman such as myself is still susceptible to being brainwashed by society's lookism. For instance~wanting to lose all of my baby weight while my hubby was deployed since I stopped nursing right after he left and I could diet again. I did lose about half the weight but now I'm kinda stuck. I have come to realize the things I DID accomplish are what really matters.

During this deployment I hit more than a few low points in which I really allowed stress and worry to run over me like a mac truck and then back over me a few times. Thankful I ran to God and he healed me and took all of this from me. This caused me to grow more in my relationship with God and to understand his true nature better, this is one major thing I did accomplish. I truly learned that he is my source, I had never fully embraced that before now because I was not forced to. But God can use hurtful, depressing, lonely times to show you who he really is and show you that you can truly count on him. In other words, when my back was against the wall and I could do nothing else for myself, once again he showed up in BIG way. God sent others to minister to me and his spirit ministered to me by healing me of several health problems I was having. Accomplishment #2-my faith was stretched and as a result I and my family were blessed. I can count 4 chronic pains or physical problems that I have been experiencing for some time that I have been healed of in the past 3 months!!! Three of these problems I was on medication for, one I had unsuccessful surgery on, one had a doctor so confounded he didn't know what else to do, and the other two kept me up nights in pain. I have been healed of all of them thanks God of course ministering through members of my church that laid hands on me. I am on only one medication now to keep down inflammation and I think that within a month or so I will be able to stop taking that as well, this is more of a preventative measure. I do believe God can and does work through doctors so this one last medication I'm letting run its course to make sure I don't re injure myself since I am aggressively exercising 4-5 times a week. But just to tell you of my progress, 4 months ago I didn't know if I could continue to exercise and was even advised to totally stop exercising until I was back to 100% pain-free for months. But I didn't accept that because exercising has also been a coping mechanism for me and I knew dieting alone would not help me lose this baby weight. So I took this to God and he took care of my pains for me and I have been able to continue my exercise routine. To give you an idea of additional challenges I had and how I coped see my next entry.

Coping Tips for SAHM/Military Wives During Deployments

I was given a suggestion by a friend who knew a little of what I've been through that maybe I should write down some tips for other Stay-At-Home-Moms (SAHM)/Military Wives facing a deployment. Here are some things that I found helpful on a day-to-day basis that may or may not work for others...but for what its worth this got me through.
#1-God!!! Daily devotional times and prayer.~I usually did this right before going to sleep because my two little ones get up very early and I'm not good at getting up early and or going to bed early. But I so looked forward to reading my devotional "Faith Deployed" by Jocelyn Green that I always made time for it at the end of my day.
#2-Getting to church every chance I could get.~Our church has a fabulous nursery with wonderful people that volunteer their time there (including myself once a month) so not only did this give me a little space and time to just be with God and learn more about God but this gave me a break from my mommy responsibilities and gave my girls a break from me as well. This also gave them opportunity to learn about God's love and socialize with children their age.
#3-Belong to a health club with childcare and go regularly (several times a week).~ The health club I belong to also has great childcare. Again this gave my children a break from me and gave them socialization time in a safe environment. For me, this was time to maintain my health, relieve stress and even get in shower that I knew would not be interrupted by a short little female crying for something. I either took a group class or would strap on my ipod, crank the tunes, get on a machine and move until I was dripping with sweat and feeling more relaxed by the release. If you can't afford to join a health club like this then see if you can't trade off babysitting time with another mother regularly so you can get some uninterrupted exercise time, its so worth it!
#4-Did my ministry (or what others may call volunteer work). ~I am on the steering team of a local MOPS group ( If you're a SAHM of a preschooler and don't know what MOPS is, check this out and find a local group!!! This is an extremely giving wonderful, supportive group of ladies that all love the Lord and have become some of my best friends in this part of the country. I have belonged to this group for 2 yrs and this 3rd year I decided to volunteer by serving on the steering team (the team that helps organize the meetings). There a good deal of work involved in being on the steering team but its extremely rewarding work. So find something that is either your "ministry" or a volunteer position so you can do something for someone else. Selfless giving can really yank you out of a self-centered funk which is easy to fall into when you're missing your hubby and feeling overwhelmed by the sudden responsibilities of single parenting.
#5-When having a really bad day, emailing or talking with my support group. ~First person I usually tried to contact was my husband/best friend and luckily with this deployment he had almost constant access to the Internet so I could at least communicate with him in some way on a daily basis. I felt very blessed to have such access to my husband during this deployment, many wives do not. If I needed immediate support I then called my close friends or my mother. I did attempt to not wear their ears down too much so on particularly rough days when I really wanted to stay on the phone talking instead of taking care of my responsibilities, I went to God. I hope he is your #1 support, if not I hope you seek him, he can't be equalled!!!
#6-Early Bedtimes for my children. ~Some days when my daughters were fussy and we were just not getting along too well, they both went to bed by 7:30pm. Now my 19 month old's bedtime is usually 7pm and my 3yr old's bedtime is 8 or 8:30 but some days they were both just too fussy and non-compliant so they both went to bed about the same time because we were all DONE for the day! Early bedtimes were better than all of us crying which some days, did occur for a minute or two.
#7-Spent an hour or so each night just goofing off, trying to "decompress" from the day.~ Sometimes this consisted of me talking on the phone to my family or friends, playing Internet games, sewing, watching a movie/TV, or socializing on facebook. This was pure "me time" in which I was totally wasting time while my girls slept but also a time when I didn't think about all my responsibilities and I just entertained myself.
#8-Spent time in a playgroup or MOPS group at least once a week.~I belong to a local playgroup and I tired to get to a "meetup," or MOPS meeting or just an impromptu socialization time with other mommy friends and their kiddos at least once a week. This gave me and my girls time to socialize, have fun and break the isolation that can be felt during a deployment.
#9-Learned to prioritize on chores and meals.~Since both my girls eat very little most days I did not cook like I did when my husband was home. I made a lot of quick small meals, this gave me more time to take care of my children's needs and get my other chores done. I also did not stress on getting certain chores done (like getting the laundry immediately put away) because I knew eventually they would all get done. As I type this there are two baskets of laundry sitting in bedrooms, one that needs to go in the washer and one that need to go into the dryer, it'll all get done at some point in the next few days. =)
#10-Sought help when I needed it, instead of allowing myself to get overwhelmed. ~I mentioned my youngest daughter's delay in the area of eating earlier; after doing everything I knew to do, hours of research on the topic and getting no where I got her into therapy to get some additional assistance. On days rough days when I really needed time alone away from the house I got a sitter or asked a friend to watch the girls for me. Before my girls or myself got too sick I got medical assistance and of course sought healing from God. Basically when there something I or my girls needed I attempted to get the need met as soon as possible instead of delaying until it was a crisis (speaking to some of those procrastinators out there =}).
#11-Knowing when enough is enough.~Some women have a hard time saying "no" to someone in need, but when it comes at the price of appropriately taking care of my family, important responsibilities or my own sanity then I don't have a problem saying "NO, I can't do that right now." Yes, I volunteer my time but I also know there has to be a balance, I can not do all and be all to someone else if I have over worked myself to the point of sickness or exhaustion, so I don't do it. Know your limits, don't beat yourself up for not being able to get it all done and don't compare yourself to some other "super moms" because she's not really a super mom/wife, she's just good at putting on a front. I grantee you there's something that she feels challenged on as well and something that she has probably forgotten to do that week just like all of us.
#12-Forgiving yourself and others. ~When you do forget that thing you were supposed to do today, let it go, do what you can and move on to something else. When you have really messed up and said or did something to someone else, do what you can to apologize/make up for your mistake and move on. When someone says or does something hurtful to you, realize you've hurt someone in the past as well and no one's perfect. That doesn't justify what they may have done to you but holding onto hurts will only hold you back from the positive things God has in store for you. God commands up to forgive, its not an option, so not only must you forgive yourself for something you messed up on but you must forgive others as well. It doesn't mean you must let a harmful person back into your life to hurt you again but you need to let go of that hurt and give them to God and let him work on them. You can not change anyone but yourself. There has been more than a few occasions during the past 6 months where I felt hurt by someone that I loved (luckily not my husband) and sometimes even after I made attempts to resolve the issue there was still discord. I had to just forgive them, myself for my part in the discord and give the situation over to God. God has worked out most of the discord that has occurred these past 6 months and the few remaining, I have faith that he will work them out, its just a matter of time. Love them from a distance if you can't be or shouldn't be close to them and ask God to take it and work through it on your behalf. This is something I have learned from seeking God on these situations, seeking guidance from Godly people and the last few weeks this was solidified in my heart and the words to express this were given to me by our pastor who spoke about this last week.
#13-Lastly, but certainly not least, Maintained a positive connection with my husband every chance I got. ~When my husband did a year-long remote assignment to Korea we had more than a few disagreements but we were also new parents, and new to the experience of being apart. We learned from our mistakes. Unlike last time, I didn't cut off communication with him even for a day, when I got annoyed with him. I didn't blame him or expect him to do something that he couldn't reasonably do during his deployment. My husband tends to be an over-achiever at times, just like myself, this sometimes results in me thinking he could do all and be all I needed him to be, which was total unrealistic thinking induced by stress. I would get stressed out by something then I would want him to do or say something to make it all better (because at home many times he could) and many times during this and past times of separation he was just not physically able to do that for me even if he desired to. I found that even if he didn't act like he cared, he did, but in an email it can be hard to express that and sometimes hard for me to hear it come through, same thing applies to a web cam or phone conversation, especially when he is tired from his duties and just wanted to be home. I think this took work on both of our parts, we both consciously decided and said to one another "this will not weaken our marriage but this will make it stronger" before he left and I know this time apart has done just that. Many marriages fall apart during and after deployments for many different reasons. Two areas you can try to control in order to prevent damage to your marriage are trust and communication. If you are having problems in either of those areas it will only get worse if your spouse is on the other side of the world for a few months. So get counseling immediately for those two issues (and any other issues that concern you) before a separation occurs. Then when challenges occur during a separation you are not emotionally pulled apart but you ban together and decide "we will get through this as a family." Free counseling for military couples can be sought by contacting

Well that's all the knowledge I have to share at this point. I'm sure I'll learn more as time goes on and circumstances change. I know there are many books out there on this subject but I felt if there was even one little helpful nugget that I could impart that God has taught me through this deployment then it was worth my time to type this out, I hope it was worth your time to read it and I hope it encouraged you even if you are not a SAHM & or Military Wife.
Next time I write my husband will be home...YEAH!!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

In Between Time

My hubby was able to come home for 2 weeks between a month of Combat Skills Training and a 6 month deployment. We got to do a lot of fun things and just spend some time at home together as a family. During this time hubby was able to help me wean our 13 month old, who has been a bit difficult through the whole process. We were able to get various errands done that we weren't able to do before he left for CST and we were even able to get some beach time in. Our last full day together we went out to Pier Park, had lunch, rode some rides with Annalese, took a walk out on the pier, did some shopping and had finished the day with ice cream. It was a fantastic day, gorgeous weather and the girls were really well behaved. Today hubby leaves at 3:45pm, thought I'd update my blog before he leaves. Following are some of my favorite pics from the past 2 weeks.

2 Wonderful Weeks In Between

<---Annalese holding her "kisses from daddy" 179 chocolate kisses for everyday he will be gone.

Last full day with daddy spent @ Pier Park...Annalese's 1st Ferris Wheel Ride: she said "Daddy this is awesomely cooooool!"

Fun, Sun, Sand & Surf

Beach Time!

Easter Morning Headed to Church

Easter Haul

My love and I @ our church's family fun day.

Bunny girls

Cuddle time with daddy

Monday, April 12, 2010

March for Babies Walk

I am walking for the March for Babies, March of Dimes fundraiser in 12 days. This organization is dear to me because my 13 month old Lillian was a preemie by 6 weeks. When she was born she was weighed only 4lbs 9oz the first is a newborn picture of her. She was in the NICU for 19 days before she could come home. Thanks to God and the work that March of Dimes has done for preemies research Lillian is a healthy baby and bring joy to our lives daily. This second picture was taken on her 1st Birthday last month, by She's still tiny but as her pediatrician says "she's prefect, just small." Can you please spare a few bucks to help babies and help me reach my goal for fundraising? If so just click on the March for Babies Banner at the top of this blog and it will take you to my page to donate for my walk. Thank You!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The spread...there was so much left over food, luckily I made almost everyone take food home!

Lillian sporting her #1 Shirt and her cute Tutu made by my friend Anna

Lillian and Big Sister Annalese

Lillian 1st Birthday Party- Saturday March 6, 2010

I threw Lillian her 1st Birthday party today! I can't believe my tiny little bundle of joy is almost a year old (will be on March 9th). She seemed to love the balloons and decorations. We had just a few close friends over and their kiddos (I tired to keep the party small), also my father and his new girlfriend came. Lillian seemed to enjoy watching all the kiddos run around, I could see that she really wanted to join them. When it came time to do the cake and such, she didn't quite know what to think of everyone singing happy birthday to her, she just kept staring at me the whole time. She touched her cake a little then decided she didn't like the icing on her fingers (just like Annalese did at her first birthday party). Then since she wouldn't put any of the cake or icing in her mouth I put some on a spoon and fed it to her...that did not go over well! She started crying and gaging like I just poisoned her! This really was not a surprise to me as she refuses to eat solid foods, she's a baby food only type of gal. I was really disappointed that my husband could not locate a Internet connection fast enough so that we could web cam and him be "present" via the Internet for the party. Yesterday I was a total wreck, crying a lot because he wasn't going to be here for the party. Today I did okay, because of my friend Anna coming to help set up for the party & for my other friends' support. I'm so blessed to have good friends to help me get through this!

Hubby leaves for month-long CST

On Saturday, Feb 27th my husband left for a month-long Combat Skills Training at Fort Dix. This is in preparation for deployment to Qatar for 6 months. We were given 3 days notice that he was deploying and had to leave for training. We were very shocked, we were under the mistaken assumption that he was "out of the bucket" therefore safe from deployment for a year and a half. So in 3 days we did whatever we could to prepare ourselves and the children for him to leave. As it currently stands he comes back for a short stay on April 2nd. He thinks that he may be home for a week before having to leave for his deployment. This is not a good time for him to be absent (not like there ever is a "good time") because this means he will miss Lillian's first birthday on March 9th. We really were looking forward to celebrating Lillian's birthday since she is a special kind of miracle, she was a preemie by 6 weeks. This picture was taken very early on the 27th as we waited at the airport for him to leave.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day smallest sweetheart
This a dress that Eric sent from Korea, Annalese was too big to fit in it at time he sent it, but Lilly isn't. This was taken on Feb 10th, she was 11 months and 1 day old in this picture, she began crawling & pulling up this day.

Since she is a preemie her development is right on track for her gestational age. In this pic she's trying to stand up.

Lillian & big sister Annalese. Annalese is so excited that Lillian is crawling now, she keeps saying "she's getting bigger." They both can't wait to run and play together, I'm sure it will be happening in the blink of an eye.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I have to post a few of these the girls matching Tutu bathing suits, I LOVE dressing them alike! I know I won't be able to get away with it for many more years so I'm doing this while I can. =) I had to share these, I just think they're too cute!!! These were of course taken before Annalese hair cut, just a couple of days before.

Friday, January 29, 2010

more pics of Annalese's new do

Annalese's First Real Hair Cut

So I woke up in a funky mood...I should have known when I acknowledged I was in a funky mood not to do anything rash but alas I did. I took scissors to my poor trusting toddler's hair. I think it was the scissors that went bad and not my skills because it did not turn out like I had hoped. I had been thinking about cutting her hair for a few days because lately she's really been fighting me when its time to pull her hair up in any way and it was getting so long to leave it down just resulted in her looking shabby within an hour of good hard playing. Well after I took a few inches off I realized that I was doing a pretty shotty job at trying to make it to not look like someone took a pair of dull scissors to her hair. So I called my ever-faithful friend Anna and asked her where she took her son Jimmy to get his hair cut and she told me of a place that I could just walk in at. The only other time Annalese had had a professional cut her hair when while I was getting my hair done another stylist trimmed her bangs up (and got them way to short for my tastes). But no professional had ever cut the back of her hair. So off the girls and I went, we had to wait for about 15 mins but the girls just waited patiently without a fuss. Annalese got to sit in the barber seat that had a little red car attached to it so she was happy. I explained to the stylist what I had done and the lady looked at me like "yep seen this one before." Annalese was a perfect angel, never cried or fussed just happily sat very still and let the woman cut her hair. After all was said and done I think it looks cute but I do miss her long hair Oh well, we can grow it back out again. But from now on we'll just keep it trimmed nicely (by a professional) so it doesn't look so shabby when it gets long.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Funny things Annalese has said today (keep in mind she's only a 3 yrs & almost 2 months old)---
On the way home from preschool I was confronting Annalese about her teacher saying that she wasn't following directions very well today and Annalese was avoiding the conversation. She repeatedly attempted to change the subject and I kept confronting her, she then said "Oh Don't Worry about it Mom."
After a non-nap-naptime for Annalese I was talking to her about her responsibility chart and how she would not be getting her smiley face for taking a good nap today and how she would also be missing the one for showing respect due to her behavior at preschool today. I am baffled at her behavior this week because last week she did so well and only missed 4 smiley faces all week. I was thinking maybe I need to change the reward for getting all her smiley faces in one day to motivate her more, so I asked Annalese "what would you like to get for getting all your smiley faces in one day?" and she held up both index fingers and said "CANDY OF COURSE!"

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Originally uploaded by AnnetteKerr1

Lillian sporting a Mohawk...shortly after saying "Mama" a lot.

Originally uploaded by AnnetteKerr1

A day of Ups and Downs

Well today was an interesting Saturday. We had a Princess Birthday Party for Annalese's friend Chloe to go to today so in the process of getting ready Annalese decides she'd like some make-up on. So I proceed to put blush on her cheeks but her poor little cheeks have been suffering from some dry patches and the blush stuck in the dry spots making some funny rosy shapes. So I had to wash the blush off, then moisturize her cheeks so the blush would go on well. In the process of removing blush, washing then moisturize Annalese got upset with me and blurted out "I don't like you, I don't love you!" I was put aback this is the first time she had said either of those phrases to me. I thought I still had another year to go before she would start saying things like that to me. Annalese has always been very developmentally advanced so this shouldn't have surprised me but she's always been very loving and sensitive too. I responded by telling her to go take a time-out after she told her daddy what she was in time-out for. Now let me explain, I fully believe in her expressing her feelings and I know she's not old enough to express them appropriately but I want her to learn early that she should not say hurtful things like that to people but instead learn to say "I'm angry" or "stop it" etc. My hubby immediately proceeded to give her a guilt trip telling her she should not say that when mommy has been so nice lately, taking her to the circus last night (that's another story) and is getting ready to take her to a birthday party. So Annalese quickly came in, hugged me and told me she loved me and she was sorry. I told her that I loved her to but she should not say things like that to me because they hurt my feelings and I would never say such things to her.

So we went to Chloe's 4th birthday party and we both had a great time. Chloe is one of her favorite girl friend's and she was so excited to go out of the house in her Cinderella dress.

This evening was tame yet homey as most nights are around here. Lilly said "Mama" the most she has ever said it in one day, so that was thrilling for me. We finished up the night by letting Annalese watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for the first time....well she watching it as I type this. The Queen/witch scares her, she's watching half of it with the furry pink blanket over her head, curled up next her her daddy on the couch. Every time the witch appears on the screen, back under the blanket she disappears. To get her back out her daddy has to reassure her that there's nothing to be afraid of and the witch can't hurt her.

Tomorrow I will be joining the local concert choir. This is at the prodding of friend, whom has been in the choir for several years and she knows of my vocal music major background. Its been many many years since I was in a real concert choir and I'm a little nervous and I know my voice is a little rusty but I really miss choir singing so I'm willing to give it a go tomorrow.

Well I guess that's all the recent happening around here that I care to write about for now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Family

Taken by InJoy Studios

My Wonderful Girls

Originally uploaded by AnnetteKerr1

Lillian & I

Crop IMG_0450
Originally uploaded by AnnetteKerr1 me & my life

Remove Formatting from selection
This is my first blog, call me "mommy-come-lately-to-blogging." Well I guess later is better than never. I don't know what this blog will turn into, guess I'll just go with the flow and see. I'll start with an intro if you don't know me.
I am an outspoken yet loving woman in my mid-30's. Married to my soul mate for 8 years now. We have two very awesome and gorgeous girls, the first is just a little of 3 yrs old the 2nd is approach her first birthday in March 2010. I have a Masters degree in counseling and worked for 12 years in the mental health field before we were blessed with our first child. I put my career as a mental health therapist on hold to be a stay-at-home mom. I am blessed that we can afford for me to stay home and enjoy our girls during these critically important first years of life.
I am an Air Force wife as well as a mom. My husband is a Captain (he goes up for his Major boards soon) in the Medical Service Corp. Best way to describe what he does is to say his is a hospital administrator for the Air Force. He choose to serve his country after receiving his MBA because he was an "Air Force Brat" his father was a retired Major and my hubby (his nick name is EK) just missed the Air Force life. Luckily I was a semi-AF brat, I didn't really grow up like he did but my dad was in the Air Force (Ret. Lt. Col.) but my parents divorce when I was very young and I went with my mother but I still visited the bases from time to time so I was familiar with the life.
Anyway currently I stay very busy with my two girls, being a member of a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and two playgroups.

I think that's all for today, its almost 2 pm and I'm already very tired. Got up early, the girls and I went to the gym for a couple of hours, then met a friend and her kiddos at the park and had a picnic, then home for nap time. Girls are currently sleeping so I thought I'd get a start on this.
Oh wait Big News of the day: my youngest, Lillian, finally got her first tooth today! She's 10 months old and has been teething for I swear 6 months, so I was quite excited that one finally appeared. Maybe that's why she was up from midnight till 1am last night. I could swear she was punishing me for having daddy put her to sleep instead of me. I went to a Mom-Night-Out gathering for MOPS. I didn't fall asleep until 11pm so to be awakened an hour later by my screaming baby, was to-say-the-least not on my list of things I really wanted to be doing at the moment.
Well that was a long good bye for the day...I tend to be long winded. Don't bother reading this blog if that bothers you because I'm sure I'm not going to change that about myself anytime soon. Later--