Married to the Air Force with Kids~~ Life as a stay-at-home-mom and an officer's wife.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Annalese's First Real Hair Cut

So I woke up in a funky mood...I should have known when I acknowledged I was in a funky mood not to do anything rash but alas I did. I took scissors to my poor trusting toddler's hair. I think it was the scissors that went bad and not my skills because it did not turn out like I had hoped. I had been thinking about cutting her hair for a few days because lately she's really been fighting me when its time to pull her hair up in any way and it was getting so long to leave it down just resulted in her looking shabby within an hour of good hard playing. Well after I took a few inches off I realized that I was doing a pretty shotty job at trying to make it to not look like someone took a pair of dull scissors to her hair. So I called my ever-faithful friend Anna and asked her where she took her son Jimmy to get his hair cut and she told me of a place that I could just walk in at. The only other time Annalese had had a professional cut her hair when while I was getting my hair done another stylist trimmed her bangs up (and got them way to short for my tastes). But no professional had ever cut the back of her hair. So off the girls and I went, we had to wait for about 15 mins but the girls just waited patiently without a fuss. Annalese got to sit in the barber seat that had a little red car attached to it so she was happy. I explained to the stylist what I had done and the lady looked at me like "yep seen this one before." Annalese was a perfect angel, never cried or fussed just happily sat very still and let the woman cut her hair. After all was said and done I think it looks cute but I do miss her long hair Oh well, we can grow it back out again. But from now on we'll just keep it trimmed nicely (by a professional) so it doesn't look so shabby when it gets long.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Funny things Annalese has said today (keep in mind she's only a 3 yrs & almost 2 months old)---
On the way home from preschool I was confronting Annalese about her teacher saying that she wasn't following directions very well today and Annalese was avoiding the conversation. She repeatedly attempted to change the subject and I kept confronting her, she then said "Oh Don't Worry about it Mom."
After a non-nap-naptime for Annalese I was talking to her about her responsibility chart and how she would not be getting her smiley face for taking a good nap today and how she would also be missing the one for showing respect due to her behavior at preschool today. I am baffled at her behavior this week because last week she did so well and only missed 4 smiley faces all week. I was thinking maybe I need to change the reward for getting all her smiley faces in one day to motivate her more, so I asked Annalese "what would you like to get for getting all your smiley faces in one day?" and she held up both index fingers and said "CANDY OF COURSE!"
On the way home from preschool I was confronting Annalese about her teacher saying that she wasn't following directions very well today and Annalese was avoiding the conversation. She repeatedly attempted to change the subject and I kept confronting her, she then said "Oh Don't Worry about it Mom."
After a non-nap-naptime for Annalese I was talking to her about her responsibility chart and how she would not be getting her smiley face for taking a good nap today and how she would also be missing the one for showing respect due to her behavior at preschool today. I am baffled at her behavior this week because last week she did so well and only missed 4 smiley faces all week. I was thinking maybe I need to change the reward for getting all her smiley faces in one day to motivate her more, so I asked Annalese "what would you like to get for getting all your smiley faces in one day?" and she held up both index fingers and said "CANDY OF COURSE!"
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A day of Ups and Downs
Well today was an interesting Saturday. We had a Princess Birthday Party for Annalese's friend Chloe to go to today so in the process of getting ready Annalese decides she'd like some make-up on. So I proceed to put blush on her cheeks but her poor little cheeks have been suffering from some dry patches and the blush stuck in the dry spots making some funny rosy shapes. So I had to wash the blush off, then moisturize her cheeks so the blush would go on well. In the process of removing blush, washing then moisturize Annalese got upset with me and blurted out "I don't like you, I don't love you!" I was put aback this is the first time she had said either of those phrases to me. I thought I still had another year to go before she would start saying things like that to me. Annalese has always been very developmentally advanced so this shouldn't have surprised me but she's always been very loving and sensitive too. I responded by telling her to go take a time-out after she told her daddy what she was in time-out for. Now let me explain, I fully believe in her expressing her feelings and I know she's not old enough to express them appropriately but I want her to learn early that she should not say hurtful things like that to people but instead learn to say "I'm angry" or "stop it" etc. My hubby immediately proceeded to give her a guilt trip telling her she should not say that when mommy has been so nice lately, taking her to the circus last night (that's another story) and is getting ready to take her to a birthday party. So Annalese quickly came in, hugged me and told me she loved me and she was sorry. I told her that I loved her to but she should not say things like that to me because they hurt my feelings and I would never say such things to her.
So we went to Chloe's 4th birthday party and we both had a great time. Chloe is one of her favorite girl friend's and she was so excited to go out of the house in her Cinderella dress.
This evening was tame yet homey as most nights are around here. Lilly said "Mama" the most she has ever said it in one day, so that was thrilling for me. We finished up the night by letting Annalese watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for the first time....well she watching it as I type this. The Queen/witch scares her, she's watching half of it with the furry pink blanket over her head, curled up next her her daddy on the couch. Every time the witch appears on the screen, back under the blanket she disappears. To get her back out her daddy has to reassure her that there's nothing to be afraid of and the witch can't hurt her.
Tomorrow I will be joining the local concert choir. This is at the prodding of friend, whom has been in the choir for several years and she knows of my vocal music major background. Its been many many years since I was in a real concert choir and I'm a little nervous and I know my voice is a little rusty but I really miss choir singing so I'm willing to give it a go tomorrow.
Well I guess that's all the recent happening around here that I care to write about for now.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Introduction....to me & my life

This is my first blog, call me "mommy-come-lately-to-blogging." Well I guess later is better than never. I don't know what this blog will turn into, guess I'll just go with the flow and see. I'll start with an intro if you don't know me.
I am an outspoken yet loving woman in my mid-30's. Married to my soul mate for 8 years now. We have two very awesome and gorgeous girls, the first is just a little of 3 yrs old the 2nd is approach her first birthday in March 2010. I have a Masters degree in counseling and worked for 12 years in the mental health field before we were blessed with our first child. I put my career as a mental health therapist on hold to be a stay-at-home mom. I am blessed that we can afford for me to stay home and enjoy our girls during these critically important first years of life.
I am an Air Force wife as well as a mom. My husband is a Captain (he goes up for his Major boards soon) in the Medical Service Corp. Best way to describe what he does is to say his is a hospital administrator for the Air Force. He choose to serve his country after receiving his MBA because he was an "Air Force Brat" his father was a retired Major and my hubby (his nick name is EK) just missed the Air Force life. Luckily I was a semi-AF brat, I didn't really grow up like he did but my dad was in the Air Force (Ret. Lt. Col.) but my parents divorce when I was very young and I went with my mother but I still visited the bases from time to time so I was familiar with the life.
Anyway currently I stay very busy with my two girls, being a member of a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and two playgroups.
I think that's all for today, its almost 2 pm and I'm already very tired. Got up early, the girls and I went to the gym for a couple of hours, then met a friend and her kiddos at the park and had a picnic, then home for nap time. Girls are currently sleeping so I thought I'd get a start on this.
Oh wait Big News of the day: my youngest, Lillian, finally got her first tooth today! She's 10 months old and has been teething for I swear 6 months, so I was quite excited that one finally appeared. Maybe that's why she was up from midnight till 1am last night. I could swear she was punishing me for having daddy put her to sleep instead of me. I went to a Mom-Night-Out gathering for MOPS. I didn't fall asleep until 11pm so to be awakened an hour later by my screaming baby, was to-say-the-least not on my list of things I really wanted to be doing at the moment.
Well that was a long good bye for the day...I tend to be long winded. Don't bother reading this blog if that bothers you because I'm sure I'm not going to change that about myself anytime soon. Later--
I am an outspoken yet loving woman in my mid-30's. Married to my soul mate for 8 years now. We have two very awesome and gorgeous girls, the first is just a little of 3 yrs old the 2nd is approach her first birthday in March 2010. I have a Masters degree in counseling and worked for 12 years in the mental health field before we were blessed with our first child. I put my career as a mental health therapist on hold to be a stay-at-home mom. I am blessed that we can afford for me to stay home and enjoy our girls during these critically important first years of life.
I am an Air Force wife as well as a mom. My husband is a Captain (he goes up for his Major boards soon) in the Medical Service Corp. Best way to describe what he does is to say his is a hospital administrator for the Air Force. He choose to serve his country after receiving his MBA because he was an "Air Force Brat" his father was a retired Major and my hubby (his nick name is EK) just missed the Air Force life. Luckily I was a semi-AF brat, I didn't really grow up like he did but my dad was in the Air Force (Ret. Lt. Col.) but my parents divorce when I was very young and I went with my mother but I still visited the bases from time to time so I was familiar with the life.
Anyway currently I stay very busy with my two girls, being a member of a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and two playgroups.
I think that's all for today, its almost 2 pm and I'm already very tired. Got up early, the girls and I went to the gym for a couple of hours, then met a friend and her kiddos at the park and had a picnic, then home for nap time. Girls are currently sleeping so I thought I'd get a start on this.
Oh wait Big News of the day: my youngest, Lillian, finally got her first tooth today! She's 10 months old and has been teething for I swear 6 months, so I was quite excited that one finally appeared. Maybe that's why she was up from midnight till 1am last night. I could swear she was punishing me for having daddy put her to sleep instead of me. I went to a Mom-Night-Out gathering for MOPS. I didn't fall asleep until 11pm so to be awakened an hour later by my screaming baby, was to-say-the-least not on my list of things I really wanted to be doing at the moment.
Well that was a long good bye for the day...I tend to be long winded. Don't bother reading this blog if that bothers you because I'm sure I'm not going to change that about myself anytime soon. Later--
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