Well it’s been a really long time since I updated this blog. Not like anyone really reads this, so no tears have been shed during the hiatus. Well since October we have PCS’d – this is Military lingo for “moved because we were assigned to a new base.” We moved from Panama City, Florida to Albuquerque, New Mexico which was a big change for us. My husband accepted a job with the Air Force inspection agency which he seems to be much happier in opposed to work in a medical clinic. I really hated leaving Florida because I made such great friends in FL due to my MOPS (http://www.mops.org/) group and I made a few really close friends that if I think too much about how badly I miss them I will start crying.
We moved into our house here in New Mexico in late March and the house is pretty well unpacked but we still have half of our garage filled with boxes and the last few weeks I have really lost motivation to finish unpacking. The house is livable and uncluttered and unpacking more will only bring clutter. In the back of my mind I am also running a little experiment…if I can live without needing to dig into those boxes for 6 months I don’t need them and I can throw stuff away. Of course that does not include the numerous boxes of my therapy materials which I have been collecting over the years. I can’t seem to bring myself to go through them until I go back to work.
Anyway moving sucked, unpacking sucked even more; I injured my back pretty bad. I was messed up for about 3 weeks but I am on the mend now. I started potty training Lillian about 2.5 weeks ago, got a West Highland Terrier puppy about 10 days ago, so I’ve been pretty busy. A sure way to put yourself in a constant state of stress=potty training a 2 year old and housebreaking a puppy at the same time!!!
Last Friday my wonderful, talented, humble husband pinned on the rank of Major! I am very proud of him, not just for making Major but for all the outstanding achievements that accumulated to him getting a DP-more military lingo for “definitely promote to Major.” His wing commander named him #1 of all the field grade officers in his wing, which is also a big deal in the Air Force. As an added bonus my husband’s step-mom surprised him and flew in from Minnesota to give him his deceased father’s Major pins for him to pin on and to visit for a few days. The ceremony was bitter-sweet, his father pinned on his first rank in the Air Force and we always pictured him being here to pin on his Major leafs as well. We believe he looked down on us from heaven and was smiling ear to ear that day.
Things are starting to calm down in my day-to-day life. Lillian is getting the hang of potty training and the puppy is now asking to go outside to potty instead of going wherever she likes. Yesterday, I finally joined a gym here and started back on a diet. I have been adding some poundage the last several months due to stress-eating (who could blame me?) but now that we’re starting to get into a routine and get settled, no more excuses.
I have been kicking around returning to work in the therapy field on a part-time basis. Some days, like the days when the girls are acting like wild animals and the puppy has been having more accidents on the carpet, I am determined to get my licensure paperwork mailed in that day and start pouring through the help wanted ads. Other days, like today, nice weather, the girls are being sweet angels and the puppy is walking past my shoes instead of sinking her teeth in, I think “nope I’m staying home with the girls as long as I can!” There’s also my new MOPS group, I have volunteered to be on the steering team and I’m not quite sure how to juggle a part-time job, motherhood, and MOPS steering team member, so that also keeps me from jumping into the world of work again. I know I am blessed to have a choice in the matter and I try to thank God for that daily.
Well that’s all the ramblings for now. I really need to try and blog more often then the entries won’t be so lengthy. TTFN
We moved into our house here in New Mexico in late March and the house is pretty well unpacked but we still have half of our garage filled with boxes and the last few weeks I have really lost motivation to finish unpacking. The house is livable and uncluttered and unpacking more will only bring clutter. In the back of my mind I am also running a little experiment…if I can live without needing to dig into those boxes for 6 months I don’t need them and I can throw stuff away. Of course that does not include the numerous boxes of my therapy materials which I have been collecting over the years. I can’t seem to bring myself to go through them until I go back to work.
Anyway moving sucked, unpacking sucked even more; I injured my back pretty bad. I was messed up for about 3 weeks but I am on the mend now. I started potty training Lillian about 2.5 weeks ago, got a West Highland Terrier puppy about 10 days ago, so I’ve been pretty busy. A sure way to put yourself in a constant state of stress=potty training a 2 year old and housebreaking a puppy at the same time!!!
Last Friday my wonderful, talented, humble husband pinned on the rank of Major! I am very proud of him, not just for making Major but for all the outstanding achievements that accumulated to him getting a DP-more military lingo for “definitely promote to Major.” His wing commander named him #1 of all the field grade officers in his wing, which is also a big deal in the Air Force. As an added bonus my husband’s step-mom surprised him and flew in from Minnesota to give him his deceased father’s Major pins for him to pin on and to visit for a few days. The ceremony was bitter-sweet, his father pinned on his first rank in the Air Force and we always pictured him being here to pin on his Major leafs as well. We believe he looked down on us from heaven and was smiling ear to ear that day.
Things are starting to calm down in my day-to-day life. Lillian is getting the hang of potty training and the puppy is now asking to go outside to potty instead of going wherever she likes. Yesterday, I finally joined a gym here and started back on a diet. I have been adding some poundage the last several months due to stress-eating (who could blame me?) but now that we’re starting to get into a routine and get settled, no more excuses.
I have been kicking around returning to work in the therapy field on a part-time basis. Some days, like the days when the girls are acting like wild animals and the puppy has been having more accidents on the carpet, I am determined to get my licensure paperwork mailed in that day and start pouring through the help wanted ads. Other days, like today, nice weather, the girls are being sweet angels and the puppy is walking past my shoes instead of sinking her teeth in, I think “nope I’m staying home with the girls as long as I can!” There’s also my new MOPS group, I have volunteered to be on the steering team and I’m not quite sure how to juggle a part-time job, motherhood, and MOPS steering team member, so that also keeps me from jumping into the world of work again. I know I am blessed to have a choice in the matter and I try to thank God for that daily.
Well that’s all the ramblings for now. I really need to try and blog more often then the entries won’t be so lengthy. TTFN