I am admittedly a busy-body. This nature has served me well most of the time because I tend to get a lot done. But this year it earned me a herniated L5 disk in my low back. I did this while unpacking our house and because I don't know when enough is enough and when to rest. After months of doctor appts, countless phone calls to my doctor, 2 pain injections, a good deal of pain pills, I found a surgeon that took me seriously and I had surgery to fix it in mid-July. It was 2 months of the worst pain I've ever been in! I'm just so thankful that its over and I'm on the mend now. I started physical therapy last week and I'm starting to exercise again. So I'm just trying to get back in life and enjoy what is left of the summer. Oh, in March my husband made the rank of Major, very proud of him. While I was barely able to walk with my herniated disk I enjoyed a visit from my mother while my hubby was TDY for a week, she helped a great deal since I couldn't drive at the time. I'm looking forward to more family coming to visit soon. In Sept I'm really looking forward to a trip to Oklahoma then to Florida to visit our old home, family and friends. This is a picture of my girls enjoying sprinkler fun.